The Dark Knight Trailer Rises

…And So Do Some Posters & Pictures & Shit, Too!

I can usually tell how a movie is going to go based on the quality of the previews that show before it.

For example “Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Parts 1 & 2” both had excellent previews and were both kickass movies. I missed the ones for “Black Swan” but I’m sure they would’ve been good, and while I have no way to be certain because I would rather pay NOT to watch one than ever go to the theater to support a “Twilight” film, but my guess is that the previews for those were all UN-Godly horrible.

Today I took my Dad to see Marvel’s “The Avengers” in Imax 3D which was totally f%#king awesome (he loved it too, by the way); and even if I hadn’t known for myself that it would be, or knew it would be before I’d heard from a million people that it was, or before I heard from the comic people on my Twitter when they saw it at the special premier forever ago, or just knew that it would be because it’s Joss Freaking Whedon and Marvel and The Avengers so how could it not be- I would have known from watching the previews.

One preview in particular stood out and compelled me to find it and post it for you to see as well. While doing that, I came across some movie posters that were just released and decided to share those too. After that I just figured “what the Hell” and found the previously released posters, teaser trailers, and some movie stills. Just some fun stuff to check out before the movie come out later this summer!

The videos go in order of their release- just click the little red “chat bubble” looking thing to “Hide Annotations”- which means “to get the crap off the screen.” I’m truly sorry about that- I had a hard time finding videos without something obnoxious along those lines (an ad you had to sit through, a giant logo in one corner, etc.) & I’m still learning about video embedding x-D I hope you can still enjoy them!

Looks pretty good to me; but then I’ve liked all of the Batman movies so far- particularly the Tim Burton ones. (Though I should be clear that I don’t count the one with Clooney at Batman and my Ex-Governator as Mr. Freeze- even though I love both Uma Thurman and Poison Ivy.) So until we meet again; Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!

I Am Vengeance; I Am The Night!

I Am…Dianthrax!!

Info & Image Sources: *Please Note– All but one of the poster images were part of a blog posting on the fan site by blogger Tristan Sinns- the link to it is the first one listed-who shows them along with commentary on theatrical posters/the marketing of films & such in the article “Seven New Posters for ‘The Dark Knight Rises.'” utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PlanetFury+%28Planet+Fury+Headlines%29